Skills Revolution
Skills Revolution The World Economic Forum has suggested that a skills revolution is needed. Why wait, be ahead of the curve and your closest competitor
Skills Revolution The World Economic Forum has suggested that a skills revolution is needed. Why wait, be ahead of the curve and your closest competitor
Quarter 4 Skills With most people working from home for the last six months and no sign of a return to full-time office-based week in
Employee Turnover Employee turnover is the number of employees that leave an organisation. This can be due to several reasons. Every organisation worries about high
How online training can help manage stress Stress is the body’s way of responding to any kind of demand or threat. The body reacts to
The Importance of having an onboarding/induction process Onboarding refers to the process of introducing a new employee to an organisation. The task of onboarding is
Mobile Learning Today Mobile learning or mlearning involves learning via social and content interactions while using personal electronic devices such as laptops, tablets, game consoles
How do generations learn differently? – Generation Z In the final instalment of this miniseries, we look at Generation Z and how they learn. Generation
How do generations learn differently? – Gen X Today we hear the word millennial mentioned in countless articles. There are countless research studies on how
How do generations learn differently? – Millennials Millennials also known as Gen Y, are those born between 1977 and 1995. This generation is open to
The Importance of Retraining Staff Returning to the Workplace Around the world, countries are beginning to ease restrictions after several weeks of lockdown attempting to
A Green Office It’s 2020 and unless you have been living under a rock, you will know the impact that a 16-year-old Swedish activist is
The World of Learning During Covid 19 The outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic has closed schools, colleges, universities and all ‘unessential workplaces’’ across the island
Gamification in eLearning Online staff training programs are a great way to train, engage and increase employee productivity and retention. For any business with employees
Returning to Work Government Protocol The government has announced a workplace protocol that signalled the beginning of the new normal. SeamsCloud offers online training and
Remote Training Mistakes and How to Avoid them Remote training can be described as training that uses methods such as webinars, eLearning platforms and face
Updating your Training Content In the 21st century, the world, technology and how people learn are all changing every single day. We all know the reasons
Benefits of Soft Skills Training Soft skills can be defined as personal attributes needed for success in the job. These include time management, teamwork skills
Importance of Employee Training Training helps employees to learn and further develop specific skills which will benefit them in their role within an organisation. As
National Password Day Today is National Password Day, a day when we are reminded of the importance of changing your password on a regular basis
Adapting to Online Training Training, as we are all aware, is important for a variety of reasons. Trained staff means happy customers and they tend