General Health & Safety

This course is designed to provide the participants with the knowledge of their own responsibilities with regard to Health & Safety in the workplace. experienced trainers, so you can rest assured you are fully compliant.

General Health and Safety eLearning Module

Course Details

eLearning Module Sample on tablet

The General Health & Safety course lasts an average of 45 minutes. 

1. Health and Safety Authority
2. Employers Duties
3. Employees Duties
4. First Aid
5. Fire and Emergency Evacuation
6. Safety with Electricity
7. Control of Substances Hazardous to Health
8. Drugs and Alcohol Policy

On completion of this course, employees will have an understanding of the Health and Safety Authority, what their responsibilities are in terms of health and safety and have a high level understanding of first aid. They will also have an understanding of the procedures when it comes to evacuations and various health and safety policies.

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