Category: eLearning

Change Focused - Blog Post

Change Focused

Change Focused In every aspect of life, the six-letter word ‘change’ scares everybody. In business, this word is even scarier. The phrase, ‘If it’s not

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eLearning Savings - Blog Post

eLearning Savings

eLearning Savings Training is a human resource activity that is essential for the continued development and enhancement of staff skills. We are all aware of

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Gamification in eLearning - Blog Post

Gamification in eLearning

Gamification in eLearning Online staff training programs are a great way to train, engage and increase employee productivity and retention. For any business with employees

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Importance of Employee Training - Blog Post

Importance of Employee Training

Importance of Employee Training Training helps employees to learn and further develop specific skills which will benefit them in their role within an organisation. As

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