About SeamsCloud

Learning Management System Developed by Training Experts

SeamsCloud LMS is built by Training Experts. Our team at Optimum Results have been delivering world class training programmes to our Clients for 30 years. We have taken this experience and understanding of how businesses operate to build a powerful, intuitive and effective LMS to transform your training department.

Our Vision

To become Ireland’s leading online training provider, empowering our clients through easy-to-use e-learning and online training.

Our Mission

By building an intuitive and feature rich online training platform, that is easy to use and client-focused, with an up to date relevant library of courses available to our clients to improve the performance of their teams.

Company Care Vaules

Over 25 Years of Training Experience Put Into Our LMS

SeamsCloud is a service provided by Optimum Results Ltd who specialises in Training & Consultancy. SeamsCloud is our Online Training and Learning Management System division. SeamsCloud is a cloud based service that manages and delivers training at the touch of a button.

We are an Irish company with all staff located in Ireland. SeamsCloud has been fully designed and developed by us and is supported by a dedicated account management team based in Dundalk.

SeamsCloud - Dashboard Mock Up
Staff Group Photo - Rugby Word Cup

Optimum Results Ltd

Optimum Results Ltd is a leading specialist in SME Management & Staff Skills Development. Based in Dundalk, we work to world-class quality standards and are a Registered Practice of the International Institute of Management Consultants & Advisors (IMCA). 

Our team of 22 full-time Staff Members and 18 Subject Expert Associates, have served more than 22,500 clients across 21 Countries since 1995. Optimum Results is the only company to have three Business Development programmes classified by the European Union’s Training Foundation (ETF) as “International Best Practice” we now bring remarkably cost-effective, world-class training and HRD services to our clients utilizing our advanced ‘On-Line / Blended Learning & LMS’ Services Division, SeamsCloud.

Meet Our Team

We’re made up of a team of passionate individuals

Aidan Harte

Managing Director

Emma Harte


Morgan Purcell


Susan Reilly

Sales & Marketing Manager

Brian Millar

Lead Developer

Justine King

Brand Manager

Daryl McDonagh

Sales Development Representative

Lynn Carr

Senior Project Manager


Finance Manager

Interested in SeamsCloud?

To chat to us today about your options or to book in a demo of the platform, please contact our team below: